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Does your system integrate with CAS 360 for company registrations?

Yes! When you register a company with us we can set up the company in your CAS 360 software without you needing to rekey the information. Simply authorise us in App Connect in your account and select Push to CAS 360 when registering the company. Once the company is registered we will push the information to CAS 360 and send you an email link to the newly created company.

Note: At this stage we can only connect with one CAS 360 account per organisational login.

We also create a .CMY file of company information for all companies that we register. If you use the desktop version of CAS simply upload this file to the software to create the new company record in CAS.

How do I register a Company ABN through you?

Complete the details on the ABN Tab of the company registration  form online and submit. (You will be prompted to set up two-factor authenitcation (2FA) if you haven't already).

Within the ABN application we can also register for any of the following:

  • Tax File Number (TFN)
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Pay as You Go Withholding (PAYGW)
  • Fring Benefits Tax (FBT)
  • Fuel Tax Credits (FTC)
  • Luxury Car Tax (LCT)
  • Wine Equalisation Tax (WET)


All these registrations can be applied for in the ONE company registration form, meaning you don't need to visit any other websites (e.g. ABR, ATO portal) after the company is registered with ASIC.

Once the company has been incorporated with ASIC, we will register the ABN and any other registrations you have requested and provide to you via email.

Why does the downloadable Company order form require us to get our clients' signatures before you will accept the order?

Before we can register a company in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, we require signatures from the directors, to show they consent to act, and from the members/shareholders, to show they agree to be bound by the constitution of the company (or an acknowledgment that these people have otherwise provided these consents).

We still provide clean consent forms with the company register, that basically look a little nicer than, say, a thrice-faxed consent signature!

I know of another company provider that doesn't ask for any signatures from the directors and shareholders, so why do you ask for them?

These are actually requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 - refer S.201D regarding director consents, S.204C regarding secretary consents, and S.136 regarding members needing to agree in writing to the terms of the company's constitution before the company is registered.

Also S.117, which sets out the requirements for lodging an application to register a company, states:

"(5) An applicant must have the consents and agreements referred to in subsection (2) when the application is lodged. After the company is registered, the applicant must give the consents and agreements to the company. The company must keep the consents and agreements."

As most company registrations are ordered online, before submitting you agree that you have the consents of the officeholders and shareholders.

Feel free to use these blank Consent to Act as an Officeholder and Consent to Act as a Member (Shareholder) forms to obtain your clients' consent before ordering the company registration.

Note: Registering a company without first obtaining consents, in our opinion, may be breaking the law!

I want to order a company but want its registration to be backdated to a month ago.

Even if we did backdate documents - and we don't - we can't backdate company registrations in any event. Companies are registered when ASIC registers them - it's not possible to ask them to backdate it.

What's the difference between a constitution and the memorandum and articles of association?

Not much - basically, older companies will have a memorandum and articles of association, and newer companies (basically those registered since 1 July 1998) will have a constitution.

The memorandum and articles of association of a company mostly contained what is now contained in a constitution, although there are fewer restrictions on what must be contained in a constitution (for example, a constitution does not need to set out the objects of the company, and does not need to provide a limit on the number of shares the company can issue (or "authorised capital")).

Both sets of documents basically provide for the terms of the relationship between the directors, the members (shareholders), and the company.

If your memorandum and articles of association or company constitution is old or has been lost, you can order an adopt a new constitution online.

What are the replaceable rules?

The Corporations Act 2001 provides a number of "replaceable rules", mainly for companies that do not have a constitution (although they can also apply to a company if the company's constitution does not exclude them). The replaceable rules basically provide for the terms of the relationship between the directors, the members (shareholders), and the company, and can be found throughout the Corporations Act 2001 (S.141 of the Corporations Act 2001 provides a table of replaceable rules found in that Act).

It should be noted that they do not apply to a proprietary company while the same person is both its sole director and sole shareholder (refer S.135(1) of the Corporations Act 2001). See S.198E, S.201F and S.202C for the special provisions that apply to a proprietary company while the same person is both its sole director and sole shareholder.

Since when have companies been able to have only one sole director?

In 1995, the Government introduced the Corporate Law Simplification Act 1995, which made it possible for companies to operate with only one individual (who could be the member/shareholder, director, secretary and public officer).

I want the company to have total authorised capital of $1,000, and issue 550 now, and 450 at a later date. Do I need to add a clause in the constitution to cover this?

There is no need for an additional clause. The concept of authorised capital was abolished in 1998, by the Company Law Review Act 1998. Under our existing constitution, the company effectively can issue an unlimited number of shares at any time in the future, and "the unissued shares in the Company are under the control of the Directors". That is, the directors have the power to issue new shares, and to determine the rights that will attach to the new shares (they can do this by, and record it in, a future resolution of the directors).

Are you sure that companies don't need to use common seals any more?

S.127(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 states that a company may execute a document without using a common seal if, for example, the document is signed by 2 directors of the company or a director and a company secretary of the company.

How many shares should we allocate to a company such as this? Is there a normal/reasonable amount that is commonly used for companies such as this?

There is no "normal" number of shares to be issued - it is up to the parties setting up the company and often is governed by tax considerations - please seek specialist advice.

We set up companies with hundreds of thousands of shares, and some with only 1 ordinary share. You should remember that most ordinary shares of private companies are $1 shares, meaning that the shareholder is expected to pay the company $1 for every share issued to them.

I want to issue shares with different classes (i.e., not ordinary shares). Can I do this?

You can - simply indicate the share classes in the online instruction sheet. You can select any of our Suggested share class rights (e.g. Class AA, Class BB etc.), that are defined in schedule 1 of our constitution.

Otherwise, you can select Custom Shares (e.g. Class A, Class B, etc.), with the option to provide your own special rights or copy the rights from our suggested classes. If you tell us any special rights that are to attach to the shares, we can put this in the initial directors' resolution. Otherwise, the shares will be issued with the classes stated, but unless the directors otherwise resolve, the shares will have the same rights as ordinary shares (i.e., a right to vote, a right to dividends, and a right to capital on winding up of the company).

I note that the constitution has "suggested share classes". How do the share classes work, and do I need to use the suggested share classes and labels?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "standard" rights attaching to different classes of shares. Therefore, an "A" class share for one company may have entirely different rights to that of an "A" class share in another company.

Under subclause 4(b) of our constitution, the directors of the company can issue shares "to such persons on such terms and at such times and with such preferred, deferred or other special rights, whether with regard to dividend, voting, return of capital or otherwise, as the Directors think fit".

The directors give effect to this (i.e., giving shares special rights) by setting out those rights in the directors' resolution authorising the issue of the shares.

Subclause 8(c) allows shares to be issued with the rights suggested in Schedule 1:

"Without limiting in any way the classes of shares that the Company may issue or the rights that may attach to any classes of shares or the variation of such classes or rights, the Company may issue new shares, or (subject to this clause) vary existing shares, of a designated class and with rights attaching to that class as suggested in Schedule 1 to this Constitution".

However, many of our members want to use their own class system when issuing shares, rather than using the classes and rights suggested in Schedule 1.

Therefore, if members want to use the suggested classes in Schedule 1, they can simply order a company with shares designated with those particular class "names" (eg, "AA", "BB", etc). Note that, originally, the constitution did not have any "suggested" classes, but this was later incorporated on the request of some members, and we now use "AA", "BB" etc, as these are less likely to cause confusion and/or conflict with orders from members who wish to use their own class system, without knowing of the rights attaching to the suggested classes.

If they designate the shares with something other than those used in Schedule 1, then the directors of the company will need to specify what special rights, if any, attach to those classes of shares. Where we are instructed what special rights attach, this is incorporated into the first directors' resolution of the company. If not, unless the company has otherwise documented the rights that attach to the shares (we get so many orders separating shares into different classes, that it is clear that many members may have their own system), then the shares will simply have the rights attaching to ordinary shares. That is, the shares will carry a right to vote, a right to dividends declared for those shares, and a right to a proportionate share of capital on winding up of the company.

If this was not the intention, then the directors may be able to recognise or affirm, by resolution, that the original issue of shares was meant to carry certain rights, though legal advice may need to be sought on the efficacy of this if there is nothing else documenting this intention.

Otherwise a special resolution of the company can change the rights attaching to shares (refer, eg, subclause 8(a)), though, again, legal advice may need to be sought on the consequent effects of this.

I want to use the company to do (something in particular). Is your company constitution appropriate for this type of company? Are there any special clauses that should be added for this type of company?

We do not warrant that our constitution is suitable for any particular purpose - persons ordering a company (normally accountants) need to satisfy themselves that the company is suitable for their clients. It is a standard constitution, which may not be appropriate for all purposes (in particular, it may not be suitable for some professions which have special requirements - persons in such professions should consult with their respective professional association). We are also unable to make anything more than very minor changes to our constitution, and we require precise wording when doing so.

I wish to run my medical/legal/architect's practice through a company. Does your constitution meet the requirements of my professional association?

Our constitution is not drafted to specifically satisfy the requirements of any industry or professional body. We can set up a normal company for you, but any professional requirements will be your responsibility (the constitution could be changed after the company is set up by means of a special resolution of the members of the company).

I wish to establish a private company with a constitution appropriate for conducting the affairs of a non-profit organisation (i.e., having the necessary non-profit and dissolution clauses prohibiting the distribution of income and assets to members) Can you help me?

Sorry, but no. You will need to see a lawyer who can draft something for your circumstances.

I have made an error in my instructions and the company has now been registered with a mistake. What can I do?

Where an error has been made on setting up a company (i.e., on the Form 201 lodged with ASIC), this can sometimes be fixed by lodging a Form 492 setting out the error, and sometimes proving to ASIC the reason for the mistake (e.g., a photocopy of the original instructions setting out the correct information). The Form 492 makes the changes as at the date of registration of the company. 

If you would like the documents to be updated to reflect the correction, please email a copy of the form 492 (before you send it to ASIC) to and we will update the register documents.

*Note: If ASIC will not correct their records with a form 492, it may be necessary to lodge a Form 484, which advises ASIC of changes to the company after it has been set up. These changes are made as at the date of the relevant change and the form 484 should be filed under ASIC Correspondence in the company register. If a change is lodged using a form 484, we will not update the company register documents.

I have reserved a company name. Can you register a company with that name for me?

Where an individual has reserved a name and then wants to set up a company with that name, they must write a letter to ASIC asking them to "un-reserve" that name (including the reference number originally given to them by ASIC). Only the person who originally applied for a company name reservation with ASIC has the power to un-reserve that name.

When placing an order online with a reserved name the website will prompt you to complete a Letter of Cancellation of Reservation which then needs to be forwarded to us to be provided to ASIC along with the company application.

If you asked us to reserve the name, the process is much easier. We apply for company reservations electronically and therefore can also un-reserve and register a company name simultaneously, electronically to ASIC. This saves time for both parties and restricts your company name from ever becoming available for other people to take!

Is the company name I want to use available?

A company name is available unless it is identical to a name that is currently reserved or registered under the Corporations Act 2001 for another body, or is identical to a name that is included on the national business names register in respect of another individual or body who is not the person applying to have the name, or is unacceptable for registration under the Regulations.

You can check the availability of a company name on ASIC's name availability check - enter the company name you would like to register and hit the search button. Names that are shown as identical are unavailable, however if it only shows as similar it will usually be accepted.

If the name is available, enter this as your proposed name in the online application (where you can also check availability).  There's also the option to provide an alternate name in the event the first preference isn't accepted by ASIC.

Note: This process only lets you know if the name is available on ASIC's registers. It does not guarantee that the name is legally "safe". For example, the name "Nike Shoes Pty Ltd" might be available, but Nike might have a problem with you running a business through this company.

What if the proposed company name is identical to a registered business name?

If your proposed company name  is identical to a registered business name(s), ASIC must be satisfied that the proposed company is entitled to the use of the name under s147. The online order form will ask you to provide the ABN of the business name holder (or the BN in older registrations), which we then provide to ASIC.

It is important to note that the business name holder must be involved in the new company registration according to the following ASIC rules:

Where the business name holder is..The name is only available to the proposed company if...
An individual That individual is a proposed company director or member
A company That same company is a proposed member
A partnership or joint venture Each of the partners is a proposed company director or member
A trust Each of the trustee is a proposed company director or member, and you have provided ASIC with a copy of trust deed

Where the business is owned by a trust for which the directors/shareholders are trustee, please email a signed copy of the trust deed to when submitting your online order so that we may provide to ASIC.

The people wanting to set up the company are currently non-resident. Will there be any problems in registering an Australian company?

All Australian companies need at least one Australian resident director, and if there is a secretary, at least one secretary needs to be an Australian resident, as well. Shareholders can be non-residents, but there may be tax implications for this (you will need to consult a specialist regarding these, if any). The registered office and principal place of business also need to be in Australia, although this can be changed relatively painlessly at any later time (we provide a service of notifying ASIC of changes such as these, and preparing certain related documents, here).

We will initially base the company at a family home. Will there be any problems/extra costs involved in moving it to a different location?

There are some extra costs, but it is relatively straightforward. We provide a service of notifying ASIC of changes such as these (in this case, a change to the registered office and/or principal place of business of the company), and preparing certain related documents, here.

Can the company office address be outside Australia?

A company's address for its registered office, or place of business, must be in Australia. Refer Regulation 1.0.14 of the Corporations Regulations 2001:

1.0.14 Address of registered office or place of business

If notice must be given under these Regulations of:

(a) the address of an office or a proposed office; or

(b) the address of a place of business;

of a corporation or a person, the notice must include:

(c) if applicable, the number of the room in which; and

(d) if applicable, the number of the floor or level on which; and

(e) the place in Australia in which;

the office or place of business is, or is to be, situated.

What types of addresses will ASIC accept?

If your client does not have a street number for their address, then ASIC require a property name or a lot number. P.O. Boxes are not acceptable.

Officeholders' addresses must be their usual current residential address. An alternative address may only be used where the Commission approves an application under S.205D of the Corporations Act 2001.

Can I set up an Australian company with just foreign directors?

No. At least ONE director has to be resident in Australia. Refer S.201A of the Corporations Act 2001.

Also, a company is not required to have a secretary, but it if it does, then that secretary (or at least one of them if there is more than one secretary) must ordinarily be a resident of Australia. Refer S.204A.

If some of the directors are overseas, how can the company make decisions?

The two ways to make official decisions is to have a meeting, even if some of the directors are overseas, or to have all directors sign a written resolution. Note that quorum at a meeting is 2, but the constitution allows a directors' meeting to be called or held using any technology consented to by all the directors.

A record of any meetings held by that method should then be kept as minutes of the meeting, as well as setting out how the meeting was conducted and who participated.

My client spends a lot of time overseas - will they be a resident of Australia?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide advice on whether any particular individual is or is not a resident of Australia for Corporations law purposes.

However, we can tell you that S.201A of the Corporations Act 2001 provides as follows:

"Minimum number of directors

Proprietary companies
  1. A proprietary company must have at least 1 director. That director must ordinarily reside in Australia.

The definition does not appear to have any relation to the tax definition of a "resident" - the question is simply one of whether the person is "ordinarily resident" in Australia - this will be a question of fact.

If I put down an Australian address for the director, will ASIC follow him up to see if it's his address?

We are not sure whether ASIC makes any inquiries beyond the information provided to them in the Form 201, and it is possible they may be satisfied if the director's address is an Australian address. However, for the purpose of lodging an application to register a company under S.117 of the Corporations Act 2001, S.205D provides that an officeholder's address must generally be their usual residential address.

Of course, this just sets out the requirements for including an address on an application form, and does not change the requirements of S.201A.

If you are concerned about whether or not the company will meet these requirements, you may want to consider appointing an additional director who is definitely a resident of Australia.

Can the shareholders of the company live overseas?

Yes - there is nothing in the Corporations Act 2001 restricting share ownership to Australians. Of course, you will need to consider Australian laws in relation to foreign residents owning shares in Australian companies, as well as any foreign tax laws, etc.

What is a Public Officer?

The requirement to have a public officer is not found in the Corporations Act 2001 - it is a requirement of the tax law. S.252 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936) requires every company carrying on business in Australia, or deriving in Australia income from property to be represented for the purposes of the tax law "by a public officer duly appointed by the company or by its duly authorised agent or attorney".

What is the point of a public officer?

Basically, the tax law requires companies to have a public officer in case they ever have a problem contacting the company directly. This person is the Tax Office's official point-of-contact in relation to the company.

For example, the ITAA 1936 states that the public officer "shall be answerable for the doing of all such things as are required to be done by the company under this Act or the regulations, and in case of default shall be liable to the same penalties."

In addition, "(e)verything done by the public officer which he is required to do in his representative capacity shall be deemed to have been done by the company."

The ATO can also serve documents on, or give notices to, the public officer, and this will be taken to be sufficient service upon the company.

The public officer is also answerable for other tax-related actions of the company, such as record keeping and submitting company tax returns.

Who can be a public officer?

The public officer must be a natural person at least 18 years old, and must generally be an Australian resident (though there are some exceptions for, e.g., foreign companies). Also, since the ITAA 1936 only refers to "the public officer" in the singular, it is our understanding that you can only appoint ONE public officer.

How do I appoint the public officer?

If the instruction sheet tells us who the public officer will be, we will ensure that this appointment is recorded in the first directors' resolution.

However, the company still needs to inform the ATO of the identity of its public officer within 3 months of commencing business or deriving income in Australia (we do not notify the ATO about the public officer unless you register the company's ABN with us). You can normally do this when the company submits its ABN/TFN registration.

Note that, if the company is not intending to apply for an ABN or TFN it will still need to notify the Commissioner of the identity of its public officer, unless the company will not be carrying on business in Australia, or deriving income from property (for example, interest, rent or dividends) in Australia. Please contact the ATO for how best to do this.

ASIC has told me that my company can't do certain things without a Corporate Key. What is a Corporate Key?

The corporate key is an 8-digit number uniquely associated with a company's ACN. In many respects it is similar to the PIN on a bank account and is used to keep your company information secure. Every company needs only one corporate key.

Once you have a corporate key you can register to view your company records and lodge documents for your company online. Once you have online access you will no longer need to use your corporate key to lodge online.

The corporate key is sent by ASIC to the registered office within a day or two of registration.

If your corporate key has been lost, you can apply for a new one with ASIC.

Why do your resolutions require all directors/members to sign them?

S.248A of the Corporations Act 2001 allows companies with more than one director to pass a resolution without a directors' meeting being held if all the directors entitled to vote on the resolution sign a document containing a statement that they are in favour of the resolution set out in the document (also called "circulating resolutions").

S.248B also effectively requires resolutions of sole director companies to be made by written resolution (since it would be a bit weird to require a sole director to make decisions about the company in a meeting with him (or her) self).

Since the requirements for holding a meeting (such as sending out notice of the meeting) and for proving the meeting took place are more difficult than simply having all of the directors sign the resolution, all of our resolutions are simply written resolutions, required to be signed by all of the directors (instead of "Minutes of a meeting"). Note that, if your company still wants to hold directors' meetings (e.g., if one of the directors refuses to sign the resolution), the company can still hold a meeting and set out any resolutions made in that meeting in minutes of the meeting.

Is it possible for a single director of a company with more than one director to execute documents on behalf of the company?

S.127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (in particular S.127(1) and (2)) sets out some of the ways that a company can execute documents (including deeds), including by having the document signed by two directors of the company, or by a director and a company secretary of the company (with or without using a common seal). However, S.127(4) states that "This section does not limit the ways in which a company may execute a document (including a deed)."

In response to requests from members, under our constitution (clauses 107(c) or 108(c), depending on whether the company uses a common seal), the directors are able to nominate a particular director to sign documents on behalf of the company. This nomination should ideally be set out in a written directors' resolution.

It should be noted that where documents are not signed in accordance with S.127(1) or (2), people dealing with the company may not be able to rely on the assumptions set out in S.129(5) and (6) (i.e., they cannot assume that the director has been duly appointed and authorised to act as a director).

How can I cancel shares already issued?

We cannot do this for you, but it appears this can be done under S.256C of the Corporations Act 2001. If some people's shares are getting cancelled and not others, this may be more problematic (although it may simply require a special resolution). Refer also to S.256B.

We only provide these details to give you a head start, and it may be worthwhile calling ASIC. There may also be both CGT and stamp duty issues to consider.

I have a public company (limited by guarantee). Can you change one of the clauses in the constitution in regards to the period of time a person may be on council?

No. You will need to find a legal practitioner (with some knowledge of public companies) who can look at the entire constitution to determine whether and how a change can be made, then draft the relevant clause, and probably assist you in getting the change then done and registered (as a public company, the changed constitution will need to be lodged with ASIC).

We have a company and want to sell/transfer shares in it. What are the procedures for doing this and can NTAA Corporate help with any documentation?

The transfer of shares in a company must normally be done in accordance with the constitution/memorandum and articles of association of the relevant company. Often this will require a transfer of shares form to be executed, and various changes made to the company register. Sometimes the approval of certain entities may need to be sought (eg, the directors, or other shareholders). Whether or not the shares are transferred for any consideration, there may also be CGT/stamp duty consequences. In addition, ASIC needs to be notified of the change.

We can assist with the notification to ASIC, and also prepare a directors' resolution, noting the transfer (we provide this service for a fee, and a 'Company Changes' instruction sheet will need to be completed and sent to us). However, we do not prepare any of the other documentation, so if the parties do not prepare them themselves, they may need to seek legal advice.

The memorandum and articles of association of our company state that there must be a minimum of two directors. One of the directors passed away last week. Do we need to appoint another director until we change the constitution?

This is advisable, but the company may not need to appoint another director immediately so long as it is careful not to carry out any business until a new constitution (allowing for a sole director company) has been adopted, as anything done before this time (i.e., with one director, although the memorandum and articles of association require that there be two) may not be valid.

This includes where the company acts as trustee of a trust.

If the constitution doesn't provide for what happens in these situations, S.201H(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (a replaceable rule) provides as follows:

"S.201(H) Appointment by other directors
  1. The directors of a company may appoint a person as a director. A person can be appointed as a director in order to make up a quorum for a directors' meeting even if the total number of directors of the company is not enough to make up that quorum."

Such an appointment needs to be ratified by the shareholders.

However, the replaceable rules of the Corporations Act 2001 only apply to proprietary companies registered after 1 July 1998 (or those registered before 1 July 1998 that repeal their constitution after that day), and only where the company's constitution hasn't displaced or modified the replaceable rules.

If, at the end of the day, the company does not appoint another director to replace the one who has passed on, and it can't rely on the replaceable rules and doesn't have anything else available, the board of directors will not be able to meet and make any decisions (whether for itself or for the trust), as it can't make quorum. However, the shareholders will still be able to make decisions for the company (whether at a general meeting or by written resolution).

Also, ASIC will need to be notified of the changes within 28 days of them occurring.

Note: S.201F(1) also provides that "The director of a proprietary company who is its only director and only shareholder may appoint another director by recording the appointment and signing the record."

What other company services do you provide?

Company-related services we provide (other than to Register a Company) are:

Can you reserve a company name?

Absolutely, we can organise to reserve a company name for up to two months. For more information, please see here.

What should the directors do with the share capital paid by shareholders?

Best practice may be to put the money in a bank account, as it evidences that it's actually been paid. Perhaps the directors can speak to the bank, or search around, to get an account with no fees (to ensure the share capital is not eroded by bank fees).
If they don't want to do that, then there's nothing stopping them keeping the money in, for example, a petty cash box. However doing this may make it difficult to prove the shareholders actually paid for their shares.

Are companies required to maintain a register of charges granted by the company?

No, this has not been a requirement since section 271 of the Corporations Act was repealed in January 2012 (with the commencement of the Personal Property Securities Register); however, companies are still required to maintain a register of charge details up to that point in time.

Why do I need to provide a registered office for a company?

A company must have a registered office within Australia. This is where all communications and notices from ASIC (including the corporate key) will be sent.

I didn't receive the company seal with the register, when can I expect this?

The company seal will arrive 2-3 days (mail depending) by Australia Post. It will be sent to the delivery address you provided. Please contact us if your seal still hasn't arrive after this time.

When will I receive the corporate key for my registered company?

Within two days of the company being registed a letter with your corporate key will be sent directly from ASIC to your registered office.

If your corporate key has been lost, you can apply for a new one with ASIC.

What are the minimum and maximum shares values I can issue in a company online?

The minumum price per share is $0.01

The maximum number of shares you can register in a company online is 9,999,999

The maximum price per share is $9,999,999.99

What does it mean for shares to be non-beneficially held?

Any person or a legal entity can own shares in a Pty Ltd company. If the owner of the shares is entitled to the direct benefit from the shares, the shares are beneficially held. If the shares of the company are owned for the benefit of someone else, then the shares are not beneficially held.

A beneficial owner is a person who enjoys the benefit of ownership even though the title of the asset is in name of another person/entity. 

If the beneficial owner of shares is a trust, the shares will be held non-beneficially by the trustee(s) of the trust.

What's the different between preference shares and ordinary shares?

Preference shares, also known as preferred shares, have the advantage of a higher priority claim to the assets of a corporation in case of insolvency and receive a fixed dividend distribution. These shares often do not have voting rights and can generally be converted into ordinary shares.

In the event of bankruptcy or liquidation, preference shares are paid according to their par value only after payments are made to outstanding debt holders. Preference shareholders receive payment prior to ordinary shareholders. 

In contrast, ordinary shares have a lower priority for company assets (in the event of liquidation) and only receive dividends at the discretion of the company (ie. where dividends are declared). However, ordinary shareholders have a right to vote and are generally entitled to one vote per share.

What does is mean for shares to be fully paid, unpaid or partly paid?

Fully paid shares are shares issued for which no more money is required to be paid to the company by shareholders on the value of the shares. When a company issues shares upon incorporation or through an initial or secondary issuance, shareholders are required to pay a set amount for those shares. Once the company has received the full amount from shareholders, the shares become fully paid shares.

In contrast, with unpaid shares none of the value of the shares is paid into a nominal account at the point the shares are issued, although the shareholder retains the liability to pay at a later date. Shares can also be partly paid, where part of the value is paid up front but with an amount remaining unpaid until a later point in time.

What are the rights for ordinary shares?

Ordinary shares have a right to vote, a right to dividends, and a right to capital on winding up of the company.

(The rights for ordinary shares are not set out in the company constitution, nor do they need to be.)

Can a child be a shareholder or do shareholders need to be 18 years old?

ASIC has no age requirement for shareholders.

However, any document signed by a child under 18 years of age may not stand up to scrutiny as a minor is under a legal disability. Many choose for a parent/guardian to hold the shares non-beneficially on behalf of the child, who would be the beneficial owner.

Can you set up my new company in CAS 360 or CAS desktop version?

Yes! When you register a company with us we can set up the company in your CAS 360 software without you needing to rekey the information. Simply authorise us in App Connect in your account and select Push to CAS 360 when registering the company. Once the company is registered we will push the information to CAS 360 and send you an email link to the newly created company.

(Note: At this stage we can only connect with one CAS 360 account per organisational login.)

We also create a .CMY file of company information for all companies that we register. If you use the desktop version of CAS, simply upload this file to the software to create the new company record in CAS.

Can a deregistered company be reinstated with ASIC?

Yes, a company that has been deregistered can be reinstated in certain circumstances. If approved by ASIC, reinstatement will restore a company's registration as if it had never been deregistered.

For more information and to apply to ASIC for reinstatement (if you meet the criteria), please visit ASIC's website.

Can you register a public company (limited by guarantee) and provide the appropriate constitution?

Yes, we do. If you would like to order a Public Company Limited by Guarantee, you can download the order form here. If you have any questions, you can email us at

What's the governing state for a company?

Even though companies are registered Australia-wide, you must nominate the state or territory in which the company will be registered in.

As a very general guide, the state or territory of the head office, or where the company will mainly conduct business, may be appropriate.

The governing state can be changed in the future, but this can be costly, so it may be best to seek advice before registration if you are unsure. We are unable to advise on which state/territory to choose.

I am going to order a company registration online. Do I need to obtain signed consents to act as officeholders/members from my clients before I register the company? , but I need to obtain the consent from my clients to act as officeholders. Do you provide blank consents to act?

Yes, before we can register a company in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, we require signatures from the directors, to show they consent to act, and from the members/shareholders, to show they agree to be bound by the constitution of the company (or an acknowledgment that these people have otherwise provided these consents).

We still provide clean consent forms with the company register, that basically look a little nicer than, say, a thrice-faxed consent signature!

To obtain consent from your clients before ordering the company registration online, you can use these sample consents:

Consent to act as an officeholder

Consent to act as a member

Do you provide blank consent forms to obtain clients' signatures on before registering a company?

Yes, please feel free to use this Consent to Act as an Officeholder and Consent to Act as a Member.

Which type of material/stationery/signage must a company's ACN be shown on?

A company's ACN must be shown on company documents to ensure identification of the company when transacting business.

The ACN should appear on all of of the company’s 'public documents' and 'eligible negotiable instruments'. These include all documents that are lodged with ASIC, orders for goods and services, business letterheads, cheques, and written advertisements making a specific offer capable of being accepted.

The ACN should be clear, easily readable and obvious as to the company to which it relates.

Where the ACN is not required

There are certain items where the ACN is not required, including packages and labels (including envelopes), advertisements that don't make a specific offer capable of acceptance (such as advertisements that promote the company and its goods and services in general), credit cards and vouchers, cash-register receipts, business cards and 'with compliments' slips.

ASIC provides more information on their website.

Is it a requirement for a company to include 'Pty Ltd' on business cards?

Our view is that there is no legal requirement for “Pty Ltd” to appear on business cards.

We note that S.153(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 provides that “A company must set out its name on all public documents and negotiable instruments.”

However, our view is that business cards are not “public documents” or negotiable instruments.  ASIC states that “public documents” and “eligible negotiable instruments” include “all documents that are lodged with ASIC, orders for goods and services, business letterheads, cheques, and written advertisements making a specific offer capable of being accepted.”  We note that the above does not include business cards (although it does include business letterheads).

 Also, ASIC states that a company’s ACN is not required on business cards.  This indicates to us that “Pty Ltd” also would not be required on business cards.   

However, the above is only intended as preliminary advice, and we cannot confirm that “Pty Ltd” does not have to appear on business cards.  Also note that penalties apply if a company’s full name and ACN is not set out when required – refer in particular to S.153(3) of the Corporations Act.  It may be appropriate to obtain independent legal advice in this regard.


My client wants to register a company and act as director/secretary, but does not want to provide their residential address. Is there a way to suppress my client's address when registering a company?

Company directors and secretaries are required to give ASIC details of their usual residential address on various forms and applications. Address details form part of ASIC's public database and will be available to the public. In certain circumstances, it is possible to apply to ASIC for approval to have your usual residential address suppressed on their public database and, in its place, to use an alternative addres.

There is more information about suppressing an address on ASIC's website.

If your client has already been granted an address suppression and you now want to register a company for them, please list their approved alternative address in the form and provide Special Instructions to this effect (including the suppression code provided and email us the approval letter from ASIC).

What are the responsibilities of a company secretary?

Generally, the company secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of a company, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that decisions of the board of directors are implemented.

What is a “CMY’ file that you provide with company registrations?

A CMY file is a text file containing all of the registration information for a new company. The format can be read by most corporate register software, for example, BGL's Corporate Affairs System (CAS). You can upload this company text file into your corporate register software to import, saving the trouble of re-entering information!
Alternatively, if you have a CAS360 subscription, you can authorise us in App-Connect to push the company file directly to your account.

What if the company name I want to register is identical to a business name, but the holders of the business name are not involved in the company?

In order for ASIC to register a company name that's identical to a business name, all of the holders of that business name need to be involved in the company as either director or shareholder. (In the instance that the business name is owned by a trust, all trustees must be director or shareholder in the proposed company and we need to provide ASIC with a copy of the trust deed).

You can either include the business name holders in the company as directors/shareholders OR change the holding of the business to be held by a director/shareholder of the company.


To change the holder of a business name, you must complete a business name transfer. You cannot change the holder of a business name by updating the holder details.

To complete a business name transfer through ASIC, you will need to:

  • log in to your ASIC Connect account and make sure your business name is linked to the account.
  • once you’re logged in, select the 'Lodgements & Notifications' tab at the top of the screen.
  • then select the radio button next to the business name you wish to transfer and select 'Cancel/Transfer Business Name' to start the transaction.

Follow ASIC's step by step guide on their website. 

You will receive a transfer number from ASIC; you will need to provide this to the new business name owner so they can register the business name. 

Can I register a company with the words "trust" or "trustee" in the company name?

You can't use words that could mislead people about a company's activities. As "Trust" and "Trustee" are restricted terms, you must seek additional approval before you can use them in a company name (there is a cost involved in this).

To apply for ministerial consent and for more information, visit ASIC's website here.

If you have already obtained ministerial consent, please advise in the special instructions of your online company registration order and send a copy of the approval letter to

Are there any words or terms that are restricted from being in a company name?

Some words and phrases cannot be used without the approval of a government minister. Some examples include:

  • 'building society'
  • 'trust'
  • 'university'
  • 'chamber of commerce'

You can't use words that could mislead people about a company's activities. This includes associations with Australian government, the Royal Family, or any ex-servicemen's organisations.

ASIC may also refuse a name if it's considered offensive or suggests illegal activity.

The following are examples of restricted terms. You must seek additional approval before you can use them in a company name:

If you have already obtained consent to use a restricted term in a company name, please advise in the special instructions of your online company registration order and send a copy of the approval letter to

Are there any special characters or symbols that cannot be used in a company name?

You can only use certain characters in a company's name. The following characters are accepted:













" "
















Accents/accented letter such as é, è, â, î, ô, ñ, ü, ï, ç cannot be used.

Do I need to consider existing trademarks before registering a company name?

Yes. Even if ASIC accepts and registers the company with the name you have chosen, Constitute does not warrant that the name will not infringe a trademark, will not be susceptible to a “passing-off” action or is otherwise unused by another entity, only that the name has been accepted by ASIC for registration in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001.

It is your responsibility to be aware of any similar names or trade marks that may affect your name. Visit the IP Australia website to search for existing trademarks.

You should seek further legal advice if you are at all in doubt about the usage of the name you have chosen.



What is a special resolution for a company?

A 'special resolution' is defined in section 9 of the Corporations Act as one that is passed by not less than 75% of the votes cast by shareholders entitled to vote (either on a show of hands at a meeting or on a vote) being in favour of the resolution.

What is a Director Identification Number (DIN)?

A Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique 15-digit code allocated to an individual who is or proposes to become a director of a company. The DIN is intended to prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities.

Each person's DIN is retained for life and only one DIN is needed. A person does not need to apply for another one if they become a director of more than one other company.

Each person must apply for their own DIN to verify their identity. No one can apply on another person's behalf.

Who needs a Director Identification Number (DIN)?

Anyone who is already a director, or intending to become a director, needs apply for a DIN.

It is a criminal offence to be or be appointed as a director without a DIN.

From 05/04/2022, individuals will need to apply for a DIN before being appointed as a director.

Any individual who intends to become a director in the next 12 months should consider applying for a DIN. If an individual doesn’t become a director within 12 months, the DIN will be cancelled, and the same number could be reissued to them if they re-apply in the future.

Here is template letter to assist.

How do I apply for a Director ID (DIN)

Applications for a DIN are made online.

Each person must apply for their own DIN to verify their identity. No one can apply on another person's behalf.

Here is a template explanatory letter to assist.

Go here to apply for a Director ID.