Products | InterPrac



Establishment of Companies, Trusts and Super Funds

  • Company Prices
  • Trust Prices
  • SMSF Prices
Product Price
Company Registration (includes ASIC fee) $740.00 Order Now
Adoption of Constitution $99.00 Order Now
Company Name Reservation (includes ASIC fee) $101.00 Order Now
Adoption of Company Register $165.00 Order Now
* Prices exclude any applicable stamp duty in your state and include GST where applicable
Product Price
Discretionary Trust $165.00 Order Now
Fixed Unit Trust $165.00 Order Now
Unit Trust $165.00 Order Now
Legacy Trust $165.00 Order Now
Non-Geared Unit Trust $165.00 Order Now
Vest a Unit Trust $350.00 Order Now
Vest a Discretionary Trust $350.00 Order Now
Fixed Unit Trust For NSW Land Tax $165.00 Order Now
Change of Trust Name $350.00 Order Now
Change of Trustee $350.00 Order Now
Discretionary Trust - Change of Appointor $350.00 Order Now
* Prices exclude any applicable stamp duty in your state and include GST where applicable
Product Price
SMSF $165.00 Order Now
SMSF DOV for our deed $275.00 Order Now
SMSF DOV for Other deed $350.00 Order Now
SMSF Lost Deed Service $350.00 Order Now
Change of Trustee $260.00 Order Now
Account-Based Pension Kit $143.00 Order Now
Transition to Retirement Income Stream $143.00 Order Now
* Prices exclude any applicable stamp duty in your state and include GST where applicable
Product Price
Admission of Member $100.00 Order Now
* Prices exclude any applicable stamp duty in your state and include GST where applicable