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Unit Trusts

What is a Settlor, and who should act as the Settlor?

The Settlor is the person who "settles" or creates a trust, by providing the settled sum to the Trustee. The settled sum is the initial trust property.

When selecting the settlor, the best practice is to have an unrelated person act in that role e.g. a close, though unrelated, family friend.

We do not accept relatives of the beneficiaries or trustees as Settlors. 

I've heard that Hybrid Trusts can provide a lot of tax benefits. Do you provide them?

Yes we can provide Hybrid Trusts.

These types of trusts involve both fixed elements like a unit trust (and may even issue units), but also give the trustee an element of discretion in relation to the distribution of income and/or capital.

Although these types of trusts have their uses, they are often quite specific to the needs of the relevant individuals setting them up.


Can you assist us with the winding up (vesting) of a Trust?

We can prepare a deed of vesting and supporting documents to wind up a trust. These documents will be prepared by our in-house legal team in accordance with the terms of the deed, so we ask that you upload an executed copy of the original deed to the online order form.

If the trustee is a company and it is also going to be wound up, this should not happen until after the trust has been vested, as the trustee will be a party to the Deed of Vesting.

To order a deed of vesting online, simply log into your account.

When setting up a trust, can I change the trust details if I make a mistake or change my mind?

If we have recently established a trust for you, and you discover that you want something changed in the deed, we can generally make the change and update the documents for you in some circumstances. We can only do this if:

·                     The trust deed has not been signed.

·                     If already signed, the trust deed must not have been provided to third parties.

·                     The trust has not opened a bank account.

·                     The trust has not entered into any contract or arrangements with third parties.

·                     The trust deed has not been stamped.

A fee may apply, and changes must be made within 7 days after the initial completion of your order.

Any changes in other circumstances will require a deed of amendment. Please contact us at if this is the case and our team will send you the appropriate order form.

Can you stamp my client's trust deeds?

As a registered Duties Online organisation, we can process the duty in Victorian and New South Wales for deeds that we have established. (Please note that for NSW stamping, we need the executed deeds in hard copy to process the duty and unfortunately cannot accept a scanned copy.) For Victorian stamping, we encourage you to email us a scanned copy.

Read more about our optional stamping service for Discretionary, Unit and Child Mainentance Trust establishments.

Can you amend my client's trust deed?

We can prepare a trust deed amendment to make the following changes to an existing trust:


Our legal team will review your existing deed and prepare the amendment as a supplementary deed to be kept with the original trust deed. The deed and supporting documents will be prepared in accordance with the rules as set out in the original trust deed.

Where more than one of these changes is to be made, we provide bundled pricing. The price is $350 for the first amendment, $220 for each additional change requested.

In some rare cases an initial deed of amendment may be required to add the power to make the amendment. In these cases a further $350 applies to make that amendment to the deed to enable the change you want to make.

Can you stamp trust deeds that are late and outside of the prescribed time frame?

We are able to stamp most deeds that are a little late, however if they are extremely late then we may not be able to assess online.

There may be interest to pay based on the time between signing the trust deeds and them being assessed for duty.

It's up the the relevant state revenue office to determine whether there will be penalties or interest to be paid for late assessments, and we are unable to calculate this until we attempt to process the duty online. As a guide, the VIC and NSW SRO will often waive penalty interest under $20 for deeds that are a few months late, but not if they are years late.

To avoid late interest fees from the SRO trust deeds should be stamped in Victoria within 30 days of signing and within 3 months of signing in New South Wales.

See more information about our trust stamping service.

Should different trusts have different trustees or can one trustee act for more than one trust?

It is generally preferable to have separate trustees for the following reasons:

  • it avoids the need to prove which assets belong to which trust. If two trusts have the same trustee and one gets into financial difficulty, it could be extremely costly for the trustee to prove which assets are beneficially owned under which trust; and
  • there is a risk that a creditor could get access to the assets of all trusts for which the trustee acts, i.e., creditors of one trust may access assets of the others.

Can you stamp trust deeds for me?

Yes. When you set up a Victorian or NSW trust with us, you can also order our Stamping Service. Once the trust deeds are signed, we can arrange for stamping in Victoria or NSW once they’re returned to us. 

Our stamping service is only available to accounting and financial professionals. If you are not a professional adviser, please contact your local revenue office for assistance.

What trusts documents need to be prepared when the corporate trustee of a trust changes its name? And could changing the name of the trustee company cause a resettlement of the trust?

We believe that it should be fine to change the name of the corporate trustee, without any adverse consequences for the trust.

As the company itself will be remaining as trustee of the trust and only its name will be changing, we don’t think it should be necessary to prepare and documents for this change. When the company receives its certificate of name change from ASIC, a copy of the certificate should be kept with the trust deed to show that the trustee’s name has changed.

Note that some banks may insist on a deed on confirmation or similar to confirm that although the company name has changed, the trustee of the trust remains the same. We think this shouldn‘t be necessary, but can assist in this regard if so requested (our fee to prepare a deed of confirmation would be $350).

Does your system integrate with CAS 360 for trust establishments?

Yes! When you establish a trust with us, we can set up the trust in your CAS360 software without you needing to re-key the information. If you need any help with this, please call us on 1800 799 666 or email and one of our team will be happy to help.

What does "resettling" a trust mean?

Resettling a trust simply means that a new trust has been created out of an existing trust. This may result in the termination of the original trust or result in the original trust continuing alongside a new trust.

The creation of a trust in these circumstances can have significant capital gains tax and duty implications. Where a trust is resettled, and a new trust is created:

  • there may be a notional disposal of any CGT assets held by the original trust to the new trust. This could trigger capital gains tax usually based on the market value of the trust assets at the time of the disposal;
  • in some States, the creation of a new trust over dutiable assets will be a dutiable transaction triggering a duty liability usually based on the unencumbered value of the trust assets at the time of the trust creation;
  • in Queensland and WA, the transaction may amount to a trust acquisition or a trust surrender whether or not the transaction is a resettlement. This may trigger a duty liability usually based on the unencumbered value of the trust interest affected;
  • in other states, it might mean a dutiable change in beneficial ownership;
  • carry forward losses may be lost or trapped in the original trust and cannot be used to reduce future taxable income of the new trust;
  • beneficiaries may be deemed to dispose of their interests in the original trust and acquire interests in the new trust with income and capital gains tax consequences.

I have heard that super funds should not hold units in related unit trusts. Is this right?

The main thing to be careful about is the restrictions on investments that SMSFs can make.

In particular there are the "in-house asset rules", which generally prohibit a super fund from investing more than 5% of the fund's assets in a related party. Normally the unit trust will be a related party, and the acquisition of the units will be an investment - so you will need to be careful about this (especially if the SMSF already has other in-house asset investments!).

For example, if the SMSF has $100,000, the maximum it can generally invest in related parties (in total) is $5000.

There are exceptions to this, but it's best to obtain specialist advice if you would like an SMSF to invest in a unit trust.

Income from a unit trust may also be "non-arm's length income" in the hands of the fund and taxed at penalty rates.

In addition, to be safe, SMSFs should only really invest in fixed unit trusts, so that they have a fixed interest in the trust's assets (and the trustee cannot "siphon" funds out of the trust by, for example, issuing units to someone else for less than they are worth).

For example:

  • Assume a unit trust starts out with no assets.
  • SMSF buys 100,000 units in the unit trust for $1 each.
  • Individual buys 100,000 units in the unit trust for $1 in total.
  • The unit trust now has $100,001, and, theoretically, the SMSF has a 50% interest in that (worth $50,000.50), and the individual also has a 50% interest in that (worth $50,000.50). So the individual has effectively siphoned funds out of the super fund.
  • This can't happen with a fixed unit trust - units must be issued for what they are worth.
  • But, you'll still need to consider in-house asset rules!!

Note: If we receive an order setting up a unit trust with an SMSF subscriber, unless we receive explicit instructions to the contrary, we will assume that the investment in the unit trust is consistent with the SMSF's investment strategy.

Note also that we provide a separate (non-geared) unit trust deed that is specifically tailored to having an SMSF as a unitholder. You can order this Non-Geared Unit Trust online. Of course, this unit trust deed by itself does not guarantee compliance by the SMSF unitholder with the superannuation legislation.

What's the difference between an ordinary unit trust and a fixed unit trust?

Where a trust incurs tax losses, certain rules need to be satisfied in order to claim those losses. The rules for claiming the losses depend on whether the trust is a 'fixed trust' or a 'non-fixed trust'.

A trust is a fixed trust if persons (i.e., individuals, companies, trusts etc.) have fixed entitlements to all of the income and capital of the trust, but this does not necessarily mean that all unit trusts will be fixed trusts.

For a unit trust to be a fixed trust, the trust deed must specify that units can only be redeemed or issued for a price determined on the basis of the net asset value, according to Australian accounting principles, of the unit trust at the time of redemption or issue. Our deed contains clauses to this effect.

If the trust deed allows for other methods of valuing new units or the redemption of units then the trust will be a 'non-fixed trust'.

Generally, a fixed trust can carry forward any losses it makes, to be offset against future income, if it satisfies the "50% stake test". Basically, this test requires that the same individuals must have had, at all relevant times, more than a 50% stake in the fixed trust (i.e., more than a 50% stake in the income and capital of the trust between them). A fixed trust must also satisfy the 'income injection test'.

For a non-fixed trust to be able to carry forward its losses, it may not only need to satisfy the 50% stake test, but also the 'pattern of distributions test', the 'control test' and the 'income injection test'. Although this is more difficult, it is important to note that a non-fixed trust can still carry forward losses provided it satisfies the relevant tests.

Can the sole trustee of a unit trust also be the sole unitholder?

We do not accept that a sole trustee can also be the sole unitholder in a unit trust, as in that case the legal and beneficial interests could be said to have merged, negating the existence of the trust.

I ordered a unit trust from you a few years ago and would now like to change it into a fixed unit trust. Can you do this for me?

Unfortunately, once you have ordered a deed from us, we do not make any significant structural changes to the deed unless the deed has not been executed.

Our concern with making major structural amendments to a trust deed is that this may cause a resettlement of the trust, which can have adverse tax and stamp duty implications (although it is by no means certain that a change such as this will resettle a trust).

We do not get involved in anything that may resettle a trust. As alluded to above, we do not really make any changes to deeds once the trusts are set up unless it hasn't really done anything (in which case we can provide replacement deeds for a fee). You may wish to contact a solicitor who can provide advice in relation to this, who could also tailor any amendment to the deed to your circumstances.

I ordered a fixed unit trust, but it was meant to be an ordinary (non-fixed) unit trust. The deeds have all already been signed and executed, and the trust has entered into agreements, etc. How can I go about changing this?

Unfortunately, the fixed unit trust deed and the ordinary unit trust deed are entirely different deeds, with different provisions, and to make a change to the deed now may constitute a resettlement (which can have stamp duty and capital gains tax (CGT) implications). Whether this change would resettle the trusts (it would mainly involve adjusting how units can be valued) is unclear.

Nevertheless, in some cases (i.e., where it is clear that the wrong deed was used by mistake when the trust was established), it may be possible for a deed of rectification to be prepared to reflect the original intention of the parties when the trust was established and to correct the mistake.  Whether a deed of rectification can be prepared needs to be considered on a case by case basis, having regard to the risk of resettlement.

I need to change the unitholders or transfer the units in an existing unit trust - can you prepare documents for this?

Yes, we can prepare documents for simple changes in unitholders and/or unitholding in a unit trust for the transfer, redemption or issue of new units.

If you have a {{supplier_name}} deed, the procedure for making changes is also set out in clauses 6 and 7 of our current deed) and we provide a template transfer notice, unit certificate, application for new units and instrument of transfer of units at the back of each unit trust deed we prepare. 

What is a fixed trust for NSW land tax purposes?

Land tax legislation imposes land tax on property held by a trust on the basis that the trust is either a fixed trust or a special trust. A fixed trust may claim a generous land tax free threshold whereas a special trust cannot. A fixed trust requires the beneficiaries to have fixed entitlements to all trust income and capital. As such a fixed trust will usually be a unit trust (which is the case with our fixed trust).

A family unit trust may also be classified as a fixed trust when its land holdings in NSW have a taxable value of $1 million or less and 95 per cent or more of the units are owned by the same family group.

Note that where any of the unit holders are discretionary trusts, the land tax free threshold may be lost in whole or in part.

So does this mean your 'fixed unit trust' is not a fixed trust for NSW land tax purposes?

Although we do not advise on State taxes (or any taxes), it is quite likely that our standard fixed unit trusts are "special trusts" for NSW land tax purposes under the Office of State Revenue's new interpretation.  Our standard fixed unit trust is a fixed trust for income tax purposes, not NSW land tax.

However, we do now also provide a separate trust deed that would be a fixed trust for NSW land tax purposes (as confirmed by the NSW OSR), as well as for income tax purposes. You can order this type of trust here.


Please ensure there are no provisions in the Trust Deed to allow for any discretion to distribute income to anyone else other than the unitholders, in proportion to their units.

The trustee has no discretion to distribute income to anyone apart from unitholders in proportion to their unitholdings. However:

  1. the trust deed allows for different classes of Units (like a company can have different classes of shares), and the distribution of income is "subject to any special rights or restrictions in relation to Units of any class". Therefore, if there are different classes of units with different rights (e.g., "Income only Units", or "Capital only units"), then this may affect how income may be distributed - though there will still be no discretion and distributions will still depend on unitholdings.
  2. also, if all of the unitholders agree, the trustee can accumulate income, and it is then to be treated as capital, although capital can only be distributed in proportion to unitholdings (subject to there being different classes of units, as explained above).

Does the Trust Deed allows for "undrawn present entitlements" to unitholders, or are such amounts classified as "loans" in the Unit Trust?

There is no reference to "undrawn present entitlements" in the deed, but if an amount is distributed to a unitholder but not actually paid, then it is held on a separate trust by the trustee until it is paid - it is not considered a loan.

With the initial unit application monies, can these be refunded without redeeming the units?

You can't "refund" application moneys without redeeming the units, but, under our deed, the trustee can distribute capital (and the application moneys are considered capital) to the unitholders (proportionally) at any time.

Note that there may be adverse tax consequences where a unitholder receives a capital distribution.

Does a unit trust need to lodge a prospectus with ASIC?

Companies may be required to lodge a prospectus under Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act 2001. A unit trust will not need to lodge a "prospectus" under Chapter 6D, as it only applies to companies and securities (basically shares).

However, some "managed investment schemes" are required to be registered under Chapter 5C of the Corporations Act 2001.

Basically, most unit trusts would probably fall within the definition of "managed investment scheme", but if they have less than 20 unitholders, they don't have to worry about registering with ASIC - Refer S.601ED of the Corporations Act 2001.

Can you transfer units, issue new units or redeem units in a unit trust?

Yes, we can prepare documents for simple changes in unitholders and/or unitholding in a unit trust for the transfer, redemption or issue of new units.

For Constitute unit trusts the procedure for making changes is also set out in the deed (refer to clauses 6 and 7 of our current deed) and we provide a template transfer notice, unit certificate, application for new units and instrument of transfer of units at the back of each unit trust deed we prepare. 

I have seen some unit trust deeds with a settlor. Why aren't your unit trust deeds settled by a settlor?

Most unit trust deeds (like ours) do not have a settlor, although some do.  By way of contrast, a discretionary trust deed must have a settlor.

This is largely to do with the payment of the initial amount that is required to establish a trust.  For a unit trust, this amount is generally paid by the initial unitholders, in return for the units that are issued to them.  The initial unitholders therefore in a sense fulfil the “settlor” role for unit trusts.

A discretionary trust has beneficiaries, rather than unitholders, and so it is necessary for a settlor to pay a nominal amount to establish a discretionary trust.

Also, discretionary trusts, which have been around for much longer than unit trusts, have traditionally been “settled” by a person (the settlor) who wishes to establish the trust.

I set up a unit trust through another service provider, and now wish to change the trustee. Are you able to perform this service? If so, how much would this cost? Also, will this involve reissuing a new deed?

Changing the trustee normally requires a deed of variation. To do this, we need to see the existing trust deed, establish how a variation of the deed can be accomplished, and then, usually, prepare the deed of variation, often to be signed by the trustee (usually the unitholders also need to consent in writing - we provide this, too). The deed of variation needs to be prepared on the basis of the client's deed - we cannot really use a "pro-forma" deed.

We provide our deed of variation service for $350. We do not issue a new deed - you will basically attach the deed of variation that we issue to your existing trust deed.

Click here to order a change of trustee for a trust.

In the unit and fixed unit trust deeds, will the chairperson have a casting vote?

This is up to you!

We have flexible options in our online forms for you to choose from; the deed can either give the chair a casting vote to break deadlocks, or not give the chair a casting vote, which means that in the event of a deadlock that cannot be broken, the unitholders can request that the matter be referred for decision by arbitration. (The relevant clause in our trust deed is 16.1)

Giving the chairperson a casting vote allows for deadlocks to be resolved relatively easily, but also gives the chairperson the power to sway the vote on matters should there be an equal number of unitholders both for and against a particular issue.

Therefore, if you elect not to give the chairperson a casting vote, this avoids one person possibly wielding a disproportionate amount of power at meetings, but also means that resolving deadlocks may not be so easy (and could potentially be protracted and quite costly).

When establishing a unit trust, can the initial units be unpaid, or partially paid?

Unfortunately, no. All our unit trust deeds in effect require all units to be fully paid when the units are issued to the unitholders. This includes the unit trust, fixed unit trust, fixed unit trust for NSW land tax and non-geared unit trust.

Is it necessary for unit trust deeds to include a 'foreign exclusion' clause?

No. It is the case in all states and territories of Australia that only a unit trust with foreign unitholders would (possibly) be regarded as a foreign trust.  A unit trust that only has Australian residents as unitholders would not be regarded as a foreign trust.

A unit trust where all the unitholders are Australian residents would not be regarded as a foreign trust, although this could change if a foreign person subsequently became a unitholder.